Position Description: Substitute Teacher
If you interested in being on our substitute teacher list and have at least 12 ECE units please email your resume.
For all positions, please email your resume to stephanie@coastalcommunitypreschool.org
Feel free to call if you have any questions at (831) 462-5437
Coastal Community Preschool seeks to provide a safe, accessible, family-centered environment that nurtures children as individuals, fosters social understanding, and serves as a vital part of its local community. In this setting, we celebrate the unique spirit of each child and strive to cultivate Good People who recognize and respect their own precious worth and that of others.
The Preschool approaches this mission with the following goals:
- To create a sanctuary for learning that honors and protects each child’s interests and ideas, and encourages development at each child’s own pace;
- To sustain a talented, experienced, and highly skilled faculty by ensuring respectable salary levels and benefits and maintaining a comfortable, stimulating workplace that encourages participation in organizational development;
- To provide a diverse and inclusive environment in which children learn to appreciate different lifestyles and cultures;
- To prepare children for school through emotional readiness, and through the cultivation of each child’s unique strengths and interests;
- To encourage a family-centric, team-approach among parents and teachers who share a mutual goal of raising a community of strong, confident, and happy children;
- To serve as an integral part of the local community by providing a variety of resources in support of strong families, successful parenting, and learning readiness.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Coastal Community Preschool does not discriminate against families, employees, or applicants for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical conditions, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age (over 18 for staff members), veteran status, or any other non-merit factors unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rate of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, employment, advancement, demotion, or transfer. Any person who believes that they have been discriminated against can contact the CCP Board of Directors.
The School is licensed by and is accountable to State Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing:
111 North Market Street
Suite 300 San Jose, CA 96117