Age Requirement:
3.75 years to 5 years
Kim, Beth & Kimberly
Classroom 3
Daily Schedule
7:30 – 8:30 | Early Arrival | After parents’ sign-in (located in each child’s classroom) children wash their hands, child signs-in at the clip board, a health check and verbal check-in will be conducted by one of the classroom teachers with the child and whoever is dropping off that morning. Children have free play until classroom teacher picks them up. |
8:30 – 9:25 | Outside Play Big Yard Time | The children are welcome to participate in open activities in our yard. There is a stage/deck, rocket ship, and other props and spaces to support dramatic play. We have a large sand box and often dig lakes, rivers and mountains. The beehive, monkey bars, tricycles, scooters, balls, spider web, all offer opportunities for large/gross motor movement and development. Children also have opportunities with sensory activities. |
9:30 – 10:00 | Morning Meeting | Sign in wash hands check in with teachers. Free play- Art, blocks, dramatic play, books, writing, etc |
10:00 – 11:10 | Inside Choices | Children choose from the learning materials and areas of interest in the classroom. We offer special projects and materials which foster growth in the various developmental domains. Children participate in sensory activities, build with manipulative materials and blocks, and use their imagination with dramatic-play props, books, art and writing. Numerous opportunities from community building and problem solving occur during this time. |
10:00 – 10:40 | Hand-washing & Morning Snack | A healthy snack is one of the choices offered. Children are welcome to come to the snack table as they wish throughout this period. We encourage everyone to eat if they feel hungry. Sometimes we also utilize this time and space for initiating cooking projects. |
11:10 – 11:45 | Clean up & Small Group Time | Together we restore the classroom! We aim to make clean up both fun and brief so children can be successful without feeling overwhelmed. Small Group time: Children are divided into 2 groups. For the children it is an opportunity to take turns, listen and participate in a smaller group discussion. Some of the activities the children will participate in are Tree observation, Yoga, Meditation, personal journals, cooking, science, writing without tears, science, outside play and many more activities. |
11:50 – 12:20 | Lunch & Hand-washing | We gather together to each lunch |
12:30 | Half Day Pick Up | Half Day children are picked up. |
12:30 – 12:45 | Rest Time | Rest time and stories. Author of the month. |
12:45 – 2:30 | Rest/Naptime | Every child has a mat and a rest space. We play soft music and turn off the lights. Our hope is that children have an opportunity to rest their bodies, and whenever appropriate, take a nap. |
2:30 | Afternoon Program | The children who are awake will join the afternoon teachers in the big yard. Those who are asleep usually asleep until they wake up on their own, however, if they are still asleep at 2:30, they will be gentle woken up and transition outside with the afternoon group. From this point of the day forward the children play in a mixed age setting. |